Flu Season 23/24 – Planning has begun!

This week we have started reaching out to patients eligible for a flu vaccination this autumn/winter to find out if they a) want a vaccination this season and b) plan to have it with us or elsewhere. This information is crucial in us being able to plan the clinics effectively and ensure we are not constantly messaging those people who do not want to be vaccinated.
So far we have had an excellent response to this improved way of working and we will continue to contact all eligible patients over the coming weeks.
Patients who have indicated that they do wish to have their vaccination with us are added to a waiting list within our system, we will then use this list as a basis for inviting patients in.
If you have responded to our message, either via the SMS questionnaire link or by calling us, there is now no need for you to do anything. We will use this information to plan the clinics when we are informed the stock will be delivered and we will contact you. Please do not call the surgery to follow up for an appointment as if you have not been contacted it means we do not have the stock in yet.
Thank you for your cooperation on this.