COVID-19 Spring Booster Campaign

As recently announced, the COVID-19 Spring Booster vaccination programme has now started.
As ever, we are governed by strict guidelines on how this has to proceed and who can/cannot be vaccinated.
We start vaccinating the Care Homes that we are responsible for from tomorrow (16th April) and will then move on to housebound patients over the age of 75. Once we are underway with these and have more stock secured, we will open vaccinations to the general public within the published cohorts. These cohorts are:
- Patients aged 75 years and over, or who will turn 75 by the end of June 2024
- Patients aged 18 and over who are on our system as immunocompromised – please note, the published cohort for these patients is from 6 months, however we only offer to patients aged 18 and over.
Unlike previous campaigns, patients aged under 75, carers and H&SC workers are not eligible for COVID-19 vaccination this Spring.
We are asking all patients to not call the surgery regarding their COVID-19 Spring Booster as we will ensure we are in contact with anyone who is eligible, asking them to book in when we know we have the appropriate vaccine delivered and clinics on the system.
For information, the vaccine being used is currently SpikeVax and not alternatives will be offered.
For more information, please take a look here